Hi! I'm Mariona and I'm from Barcelona.

 I'm a Fashion Design graduate at BAU, University of Design in Barcelona, and a Fashion Design and Pattern Making Master Degree graduate at IDEP Barcelona. 
I have worked as a fashion designer at well-known fashion brands such as Mango Kids and Springfield Woman, where I've had the opportunity to work in different departments such as woven, denim, flatknit and jersey. 
My journey in fashion began when I was very young, with a profound love for self-expression throught clothing, and it has evolved into a lifelong commitment to craftsmanship, quality and innovation. 
I draw inspiration from the natural world, the complex craftmanship of artisans, and the timeless allure of the Mediterranean. My design philosophy is rooted in the beauty of simplicity, the memories of my childhood in the countyside, always with an aura of nostalgia, finding elegance in the understated and the authentic.  
I am especially interested in fashion's relationship with the female body in all its diveristy. Throught my work, I aspire to inspire confidence, ignite imagination, and celebrate the beauty of diversity in all its forms. 
Committed to sustainabilty and ethical practices, I believe in the power of fashion to not only embellish the body, buy also to empower individuals to make a positive impact into the world. 
With a fresh perspective and huge passion for versatility and innovation, I am eager to continue exploring new avenues and pushing the boundaries of creativity in the dynamic world of fashion design, as well as growing and learning from the wisdom and experience of those around me.
This website showcases some of my University fashion projects as well as some of my fashion illustrations. 

Thank you!
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