EN CUERPO Y ALMA / Final Degree Project / 2020

En cuerpo y alma (body and soul) is a personal reflection on the female body. It poses a dialogue between its forms and symbolizes the contradiction between an "adult" body and an “infantilized” body resulting from the hegemony of the “young, white, beautiful and slim” aesthetic model and the vision of thinness as a social and personal success, pushing women to sacrifice, hunger, discomfort with their own image, and the constant need to control their body.
This project wants to emphasize the will to demand the freedom of the woman's body, not from the public fight, but from an intimate space. This is linked to an exploration of lingerie, trying to free it from its erotic and objectifying vision and contemplating it from its intimate and delicate side, as a conversation with the body, its shapes and changes, as a path to rediscovery and self acceptance. 


Photography / Film by @coleccionsitasdemomentos

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